Friday, 8 June 2007
10 Agency Artists create individual artworks
10 Agency Artists create individual artworks to celebrate AdFest’s 10th Anniversary.
Delegates to bid for pictures to raise money for charity.
As part of the celebrations for AdFest’s 10th anniversary, the AdFest Working Committee has invited ten agency artists to produce a visual interpretation of ‘Turning 10’.
Says Jimmy Lam, President of the AdFest Working Committee, “There is a huge amount of creative talent in agencies around Asia Pacific. We wanted to give them a different way of showing off their skills.”
The ‘Turning 10’ project has created a remarkable exhibition of ten very different pieces of artwork that are displayed in the front foyer on the ground floor of PEACH. The artists involved are Burin Puntuyakorn, Art Director, Euro RSCG FLAGSHIP (Bangkok); Cid Reyes, Vice President, Ace Saatchi & Saatchi (Manila); Ipang Thebangsad, Art Director, Dentsu Indonesia (Jakarta); John Kane, Art Director, I am Kane (Sydney); Sung Wook Han, Creative Group Art Director, Chiel Communications (Seoul); Tan Kee Hong, Senior Visualiser, BBDO Singapore (Singapore); Uday Parkar, National Creative Director, Adfactors Advertising (Mumbai); Xiaoping Zhang, Founder, Chia Black Horse Advertising (Guangzhou); Tan Yee Kiang, Art Director, Naga DDB (Kuala Lumpur); Yoichi Komatsu, Creative Director/Art Director,
A silent auction is being held during AdFest to raise money for Unicef Children’s Charity. AdFest delegates will be able to bid secretly for their favourite artwork. The highest bidder will then take the artwork home with them.
The 10 th Asia Pacific Advertising Festival 2007 is held from March 14-17 2007. The event takes place at its permanent home, the Pattaya Exhibition and Convention Hall (PEACH), Royal Cliff Beach Resort Hotel in Pattaya, Thailand.
Delegates to bid for pictures to raise money for charity.
As part of the celebrations for AdFest’s 10th anniversary, the AdFest Working Committee has invited ten agency artists to produce a visual interpretation of ‘Turning 10’.
Says Jimmy Lam, President of the AdFest Working Committee, “There is a huge amount of creative talent in agencies around Asia Pacific. We wanted to give them a different way of showing off their skills.”
The ‘Turning 10’ project has created a remarkable exhibition of ten very different pieces of artwork that are displayed in the front foyer on the ground floor of PEACH. The artists involved are Burin Puntuyakorn, Art Director, Euro RSCG FLAGSHIP (Bangkok); Cid Reyes, Vice President, Ace Saatchi & Saatchi (Manila); Ipang Thebangsad, Art Director, Dentsu Indonesia (Jakarta); John Kane, Art Director, I am Kane (Sydney); Sung Wook Han, Creative Group Art Director, Chiel Communications (Seoul); Tan Kee Hong, Senior Visualiser, BBDO Singapore (Singapore); Uday Parkar, National Creative Director, Adfactors Advertising (Mumbai); Xiaoping Zhang, Founder, Chia Black Horse Advertising (Guangzhou); Tan Yee Kiang, Art Director, Naga DDB (Kuala Lumpur); Yoichi Komatsu, Creative Director/Art Director,
A silent auction is being held during AdFest to raise money for Unicef Children’s Charity. AdFest delegates will be able to bid secretly for their favourite artwork. The highest bidder will then take the artwork home with them.
The 10 th Asia Pacific Advertising Festival 2007 is held from March 14-17 2007. The event takes place at its permanent home, the Pattaya Exhibition and Convention Hall (PEACH), Royal Cliff Beach Resort Hotel in Pattaya, Thailand.
Young Lotus Workshop is part of AdFest’s
Tokyo team wins Young Lotus Award after workshop moderated by BBDO Asia Pacific
Runner-up spot goes to Beijing, a close second.
The 4 th Young Lotus Workshop at AdFest 2007 was moderated by BBDO Asia Pacific and attended by twenty-eight young creatives from fourteen countries, including Bangkok, Beijing, Colombo, Dhaka, Ho Chi Minh, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei and Tokyo.
The fourteen national teams presented their creative ideas to the BBDO team, which then voted in a secret ballot to short-list seven Young Lotus entries. The winning commercial was from Team Tokyo, with Beijing a close runner-up and Manila also a finalist.
Suthisak Sucharittanonta , chairman & CCO, BBDO Bangkok and David Guerrero, chairman & CCO, BBDO Guerrero/Ortega Manila said, “We were looking for a fresh idea and great crafting skills were an added bonus. The winning entry showed an astonishing level of craft and had a clear, single-minded idea with a surprising twist at the end.”
The judging panel and workshop moderating team included Chris Thomas - Chairman & CEO BBDO Asia Pacific, Suthisak Sucharittanonta - Chairman & CCO, BBDO Bangkok, David Guerrero - Chairman & CCO, BBDO Guerrero/Ortega and Simon Bond - Regional Director, Proximity Asia, Andy Wilson – Regional Planning Director. BBDO Asia Pacific and Farouk Madden – Executive Creative Director, BBDO Singapore.
The participants were assigned a real brief, “You can do good things in Pattaya”. They were introduced to the Office of the Mayor of Pattaya City, who provided background to the brief. The teams were then asked to produce a TV commercial using the latest Nokia N931 mobile phone and video camera, which answered the brief.
David Guerrero explained the concept. “The Nokia N93i is at the cutting edge of today’s digital age. We wanted to give Young Lotus the chance to make consumer-generated content and at the same time, make a real-time film of how they achieved it.” As part of the exercise, each national creative team was given a N93i phone and told to go out and get footage in Pattaya City to edit into their commercial.
Fourteen independent cameramen were used - one for each team – to video the entire creative process. Delegates at AdFest could watch the story unfold as the edited highlights were revealed each day. This is the first time this has been attempted at AdFest.
Chris Thomas, chairman and CEO of BBDO Asia Pacific said, “The real task for each team was to recognize ‘Brand Pattaya’, identify the positives for the resort and build a compelling argument to convince tourists to come”.
Suthisak Sucharittanonta was impressed with the level of technical skill shown by the Young Lotus contenders. “The teams filmed their own footage and then edited and crafted a commercial from the results, without any help from professionals. The exercise shows how fast digital media is advancing and advertising skills are changing.”
The exercise has proved to be a great training tool. The edited film will be given to the participants as a memento and used to promote Young Lotus at AdFest in the future.
Young Lotus Workshop is part of AdFest’s long-term commitment to provide a learning forum for the creative industries of Asia Pacific and is conducted every year. Participants are selected by national advertising associations. The workshop and attendance of participants is funded by AdFest.
제목을 보는 순간 누군가는 "상이라도 탔나?“라는 질문을 던질 수도 있다. 물론 그런 영광을 안았다면 얼마나 좋았겠는가? 소박한 감정이라 나무랄 자도 있을 수 있겠지만 이 축제에 참여했다는 것만으로도 가슴이 얼마나 행복했는지 모른다.“세상에서 어떤 직업을 가진 이들이 이러한 축제를 즐길 수 있을까?” 물론 화려한 레드카펫을 밟을 수 있는 축제는 아니지만 "AD FEST"는 답답했던 일상에 톡 쏘는 탄산수만큼의 짜릿함을 남겨준 행복한 축제였음을 먼저 밝힌다.이제부터 이 행복한 축제를 돌이켜보는 작은 소회를 적어 내려가 보고자 한다. 헤아릴 수 없이 반짝거릴 파타야의 별을 기대하며-!
5년 전쯤 동료들과 여행으로 들른 기억 속의 파타야는 “밤하늘의 쏟아질 것 같은 "별"로 남아있다. 오늘 본 파타야의 밤하늘은 흐린 날씨 탓인지 그리 반짝거리지 않았지만 내 마음 속엔 내일부터 눈앞에 펼쳐질 아시아 광고인들의 반짝거릴 크리에이티브의 별들에 대한 기대감으로 가득 차오르고 있었다. 장시간의 비행과 또 후끈한 날씨 낯선 사람들과의 만남이 다소 지치게 했지만 파타야의 밤 파도가 반짝거리는 별들을 실어다 줄 것이라 믿으며 잠이 들었다. 축제의 별들을 소개하기 전에 먼저 살펴본 ADFEST -!
로터스(연꽃)라는 이름의 상을 수여하는 아시아 태평양 광고제는 올해로 10년을 맞는 아시아, 태평양 지역만의 특별한 광고제이다. 본 광고제는 크게 시상식과 수준 높은 세션으로 구분된다. 내 입장에서 볼 때 가장 아쉬웠던 점은 심사위원단의 이름들 속에서 단 한명의 한국인도 발견할 수 없었다는 점과 영어로만 진행되는 세션(일본광고인들에게는 통역기가 지급되었다)이었다. 물론 나의 부족한 외국어 실력에 문제가 있긴 하지만... 한국어 통역기가 없음을 다시 한 번 원망할 수밖에 없었다. 내년부터는 동시통역을 준비할 예정이라 하니 내년의 참가자들은 운이 좋다 할 수 있겠다.그리고 다시 한 번 의아스러운 점은 깐느나 끌리오에서도 만날 수 있는 한국인 심사위원을 만날 수 없었다는 점이다. 이미 눈치 챘으리라 생각되지만 대한민국의 수상작이 몹시 서운한 숫자로 나올 수밖에 없었던 이유일 것이리라! 팔이 안으로 밖에 굽을 수 없음을 다시 한 번 깨닫게 하는 대목이라 할 수 있겠다.
드디어 기다리셨던 축제의 별들을 소개합니다 -! 아시아태평양광고제는 총 10개 분야에서 수상작을 선정하는데, 필름과 인쇄는 감독 편집 등의 분야별 수상작을 별도로 발표한다. TV Lotus / Press Lotus /Outdoor Lotus /Radio Lotus /DM Lotus/ Cyber Lotus /Film Craft Lotus/ Print Craft Lotus/ 360 Lotus/ Innovation Lotus 이상의 10분야에서 가장 빛나는 별이 되었던 Winner들의 작품을 중심으로 간략한 소개를 하고자 한다.
TV Lotus 출품작들을 무작위로 보았을 때 단연 눈에 띄는 작품은 인도의 해피덴트 팰리스였다. 물론 작품성도 뛰어났지만 각 분야에 너무도 많이 출품을 했기에 눈길이 갈 수 밖에 없었던 작품이었다. 지금에 와서 생각해보니 자주 봐서 라기 보다는 너무도 Unique한 표현이었기에 기억에 깊이 남을 수밖에 없었던 것 같기도 하다. 그러나 아쉽게도(?) 많은 사람들의 예상을 깨고 토요타의 “휴먼터치”편이 올해의 가장 빛나는 별이 되었다.
길에 주차되어 있는 자신의 차에 다가가는 남자 그러나 차 안엔 이미 많은 사람들로 가득 차 있다. 아랑곳 하지 않고 운전석에 앉아있는 남자의 무릎 위에 앉는 남자, 그 다음엔 그 남자의 팔을 마치 안전 밸트인 양 태연스럽게 착용을 하고 운전을 시작한다. 아하! 이제는 모든 의문이 풀린다. 기계 이상의 세심한 배려가 담긴 인간적인 터치로 움직이는 자동차인 것이다. 그렇게 보면 “Human touch"라는 슬로건은 너무나도 당연한 결론, 심사위원들의 결정에 동의를 할 것인지 말 것인지는 당신의 자유다.
Film Craft Lotus 앞에서 언급했던 인도의 해피덴트가 Film Craft Lotus부문에서 수상을 했다. 아이디어의 출발에서부터 완성도까지 박수를 쳐줄 수밖에 없었던 작품이라 생각되었지만...글쎄 대한민국에서였더라면 이렇게 제작될 수 있었을까?라는 의문이 나의 머리를 잠시 어지럽힌다.
인도의 사막, 터번을 쓴 인도인이 자전거를 타고 가다 바퀴가 빠진다(앞쪽은 사족인 듯) 무엇인가 급한 일이 생각났다는 듯 자전거도 팽개치고 뛰어가는 인도인, 그 앞으로 헤드라이트가 사람처럼 생긴 자동차가 지나가며 그를 쳐다본다. 이상한 호텔 안으로 급히 들어간 모델, 호텔의 수영장, 로비 등에 요가를 하는 것처럼 이상한 체위를 한 사람들이 매달려있어 호기심을 유발한다. 이제 밖은 태양이 지고 어둠이 드리워지기 시작한다. 어두워진 호텔로비, 그 중간에 샹들리에가 보여 지고, 그런데 샹들리에엔 왜 사람들이 매달려 있을까? 인도는 요가로 유명한지라 요가중인가 라는 생각을 할 때 쯤 우리의 모델은 샹들리에에 잽싸게 매달린다. 도대체 뭐지? 라는 생각이 드는 순간, 입속에 뭔가를 넣고 씹는다. 마침내 그의 입을 활짝 여니...치아가 형광등 보다 반짝인다. 아하! 치아를 너무도 하얗게 만들어 어둠을 밝히는 빛으로 사용한 것이다. 기막힌 과장의 극치라는 생각이 들기도 하지만 그 Unique함에 두 손을 들게 만든다. 이후로 펼쳐지는 장면들은 요가를 하는 걸로 보여졌던 이들이 모두 일제히 입을 열어 그들의 치아로 찬란한 빛을 만들어 낸다. 물론 극 과장 광고라 공감이 가지 않는다 하는 이도 있을 수 있다. 그러한 생각도 당신의 자유다. 자신이 정한 별은 각자의 마음속에 있는 것이니...
Film 부문의 수상이 끝나갈 무렵 낯설지 않은 Visual과 Audio가 나의 눈길을 시상식 연단으로 이끌었다. TBWA 의 “캐논파워샷(사진이 달라진다)캠페인(그림4)”과“아디다스(Impossible is nothing 김남일 Vs 이호편)캠페인(그림5)이 아시아인의 마음을 사로잡은 것이다. 대한민국의 심사위원이 한 명도 끼어 있지 않은 이 번 광고제에서 수상의 영광을 안은 대한민국 광고인들에게 큰 박수를 쳐주고 싶다. 그러나 아쉬운 점은 수상의 기쁨을 전혀 예상 못해서였는지...수상자가 아무도 오지 않았다는 점이다.
Press Lotus/ Print Craft Lotus 다음은 아시아 태평양 광고제 기간 동안 나의 눈을 가장 괴롭게 또는 긴장하게 만들었던 분야들이다. 일단은 복도에 걸려있는 작품들의 숫자에 기가 질렸던 터라 여기서 어떻게 별들을 찾아낼까 걱정이 되기도 했었다. 물론 모두의 생각이 다 똑같은 것은 아니지만 군데군데 발길을 떨어지지 않게 하는 작품들이 있는 걸 보면 별은 숨기려 해도 그 빛이 숨겨지지 않나보다 라는 생각이 들게 했다. 우선 모두의 궁금증이 가장 큰 프린트 부분부터 반짝이는 별들을 소개하고자 한다.
Print Lotus Leo Burnett 방콕에서 출품한 “Clima Bicycle Lock ”을 광고한 작품이 가장 빛나는 별이 되었고 그 다음엔 “세이코”가 빛나는 자리를 차지하였다. 자전거 자물쇠 광고이다. 더 이상의 카피도 설명도 필요 없는 비주얼 아이디어다! 역시 말없이 모든 것을 한 방에 보여주는 광고가 모든 심사위원들의 눈을 사로잡은 것이다.특히 위의 광고는 하나의 광고가 아닌 캠페인광고로 출품되었다. 사진자료가 없어 보여드릴 수 없음이 안타까울 정도로 매력적인 광고이니 기회가 된다면 찾아보시길... 다음은 세이코광고다! 알람기능을 다소 과장되게 표현한 것인데...글세, 알람이라는 기능자체가 요즘 시대에 매력적으로 보일 수 있는 것인지 판단해 볼일이다. 이곳은 PT의 현장이 아닌 광고제의 현장이니 알람처럼 머리를 깨워주는 이 아이디어에 박수를 칠 수 밖에...
Print Craft Lotus이 부문에선 Best 수상작은 없었고 "Basic cut"이라는 슬로건으로 Wrangler등이 수상을 했다. “Wrangler”는 OUTDOOR분야에서 큰 별이 되었으니 뒤에 다시 언급하기로 하겠다.
Outdoor Lotus 이 분야에선 “Squat"이라는 타이틀로 앞에서도 언급한 “Wrangler”가 큰 별이 되었다. 원숭이를 닮은 남자 그리고 “basic cut" 이라는 슬로건, 무조건 폼나보여야 하는 패션광고의 틀을 깬 파격으로 보여 지는데... 당신의 눈엔 어떠하신지?
Young Lotus 작년 이맘때쯤 나를 자극했던 기사가 하나있었다. “열혈낭자, 낭군 개선기(凱旋記)-김하나CW/박지훈AD” 아시아태평양광고제에는 본선과는 별도의 경쟁부분이 있다고 한다. 바로 Young Lotus 라는 이름으로 상이 주어지는 부문인데 각 나라를 대표하는 30세 이하의 몹시(?) 젊은 광고인들이 주어진 한 가지 주제를 가지고 일종의 경쟁 프리젠테이션을 하는 것이라 한다. 작년에 바로 “Why cannes?” 라는 Head Line으로 대한민국의 광고인들이 별이 되었었다. 참석하고 싶어도 나이제한으로 이제는 젊은 광고인 축에 끼지 못하는 아쉬움을 뒤로하고 이번엔 어떤 젊은 친구들이 별이 될까 관심있게 지켜보았다. 올해는 그 참가 규모에서도 단연 돋보였던 일본친구들이 “파타야”를 주제로 한 프리젠테이션에서 빛나는 크리에이티브를 발휘했다! 이 이외에도 국내 광고제나 여타의 광고제에서 보지 못했던 360 Lotus 등이 이색적 있었다. 역시 달라지고 있는 매체환경이 광고제에도 적용된 것이리라.. 아직도 4대 매체에만 시선을 주고 있는 나에게 나름의 신선한 충격이었다.
그 외의 흥미로운 별을 모았습니다. 필자가 현재 맡고 있는 품목이 유제품이라 눈길이 갔던 우유광고 그리고 아이엄마이기에 공감할 수 있었던 아동복지협회광고 그리고 요즘처럼 긴 카피가 읽혀지기 힘든 시대에 내공 있는 카피로 승부한 호스피스협회광고 그 외에도 “어! 우리도 이 비슷한 썸네일이 있었는데...”라는 생각이 들게 하는 작품들까지 축제 내내 나의 머리와 가슴을 행복하게 만들어 준 작품들이 많았다!
행복했던 파타야의 “광고를 헤는 날”을 마치며. 광고 하나에 추억과 광고 하나에 사랑과 광고 하나에 쓸쓸함과 광고 하나에 동경(憧憬)과 광고 하나에 시와 광고 하나에 어머니, 어머니
윤동주님의 “별 헤는 밤”을 감히 인용해 봅니다.
처음 광고를 시작할 때 나에게 광고는 별 같은 존재였다. 그러나 시간이 흐를수록 하늘이 흐려진다는 이유로 밤이 짧다는 이유로 별의 소중함을 잊고 살았던 것 같다.오늘부터는 별이 쏟아지던 파타야의 축제를 기억하며, 다른 이들의 가슴 속에 평생 잊혀지지 않을 “반짝거릴 나의 별 만들기”를 다시 시작해야겠다.
Runner-up spot goes to Beijing, a close second.
The 4 th Young Lotus Workshop at AdFest 2007 was moderated by BBDO Asia Pacific and attended by twenty-eight young creatives from fourteen countries, including Bangkok, Beijing, Colombo, Dhaka, Ho Chi Minh, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei and Tokyo.
The fourteen national teams presented their creative ideas to the BBDO team, which then voted in a secret ballot to short-list seven Young Lotus entries. The winning commercial was from Team Tokyo, with Beijing a close runner-up and Manila also a finalist.
Suthisak Sucharittanonta , chairman & CCO, BBDO Bangkok and David Guerrero, chairman & CCO, BBDO Guerrero/Ortega Manila said, “We were looking for a fresh idea and great crafting skills were an added bonus. The winning entry showed an astonishing level of craft and had a clear, single-minded idea with a surprising twist at the end.”
The judging panel and workshop moderating team included Chris Thomas - Chairman & CEO BBDO Asia Pacific, Suthisak Sucharittanonta - Chairman & CCO, BBDO Bangkok, David Guerrero - Chairman & CCO, BBDO Guerrero/Ortega and Simon Bond - Regional Director, Proximity Asia, Andy Wilson – Regional Planning Director. BBDO Asia Pacific and Farouk Madden – Executive Creative Director, BBDO Singapore.
The participants were assigned a real brief, “You can do good things in Pattaya”. They were introduced to the Office of the Mayor of Pattaya City, who provided background to the brief. The teams were then asked to produce a TV commercial using the latest Nokia N931 mobile phone and video camera, which answered the brief.
David Guerrero explained the concept. “The Nokia N93i is at the cutting edge of today’s digital age. We wanted to give Young Lotus the chance to make consumer-generated content and at the same time, make a real-time film of how they achieved it.” As part of the exercise, each national creative team was given a N93i phone and told to go out and get footage in Pattaya City to edit into their commercial.
Fourteen independent cameramen were used - one for each team – to video the entire creative process. Delegates at AdFest could watch the story unfold as the edited highlights were revealed each day. This is the first time this has been attempted at AdFest.
Chris Thomas, chairman and CEO of BBDO Asia Pacific said, “The real task for each team was to recognize ‘Brand Pattaya’, identify the positives for the resort and build a compelling argument to convince tourists to come”.
Suthisak Sucharittanonta was impressed with the level of technical skill shown by the Young Lotus contenders. “The teams filmed their own footage and then edited and crafted a commercial from the results, without any help from professionals. The exercise shows how fast digital media is advancing and advertising skills are changing.”
The exercise has proved to be a great training tool. The edited film will be given to the participants as a memento and used to promote Young Lotus at AdFest in the future.
Young Lotus Workshop is part of AdFest’s long-term commitment to provide a learning forum for the creative industries of Asia Pacific and is conducted every year. Participants are selected by national advertising associations. The workshop and attendance of participants is funded by AdFest.
제목을 보는 순간 누군가는 "상이라도 탔나?“라는 질문을 던질 수도 있다. 물론 그런 영광을 안았다면 얼마나 좋았겠는가? 소박한 감정이라 나무랄 자도 있을 수 있겠지만 이 축제에 참여했다는 것만으로도 가슴이 얼마나 행복했는지 모른다.“세상에서 어떤 직업을 가진 이들이 이러한 축제를 즐길 수 있을까?” 물론 화려한 레드카펫을 밟을 수 있는 축제는 아니지만 "AD FEST"는 답답했던 일상에 톡 쏘는 탄산수만큼의 짜릿함을 남겨준 행복한 축제였음을 먼저 밝힌다.이제부터 이 행복한 축제를 돌이켜보는 작은 소회를 적어 내려가 보고자 한다. 헤아릴 수 없이 반짝거릴 파타야의 별을 기대하며-!
5년 전쯤 동료들과 여행으로 들른 기억 속의 파타야는 “밤하늘의 쏟아질 것 같은 "별"로 남아있다. 오늘 본 파타야의 밤하늘은 흐린 날씨 탓인지 그리 반짝거리지 않았지만 내 마음 속엔 내일부터 눈앞에 펼쳐질 아시아 광고인들의 반짝거릴 크리에이티브의 별들에 대한 기대감으로 가득 차오르고 있었다. 장시간의 비행과 또 후끈한 날씨 낯선 사람들과의 만남이 다소 지치게 했지만 파타야의 밤 파도가 반짝거리는 별들을 실어다 줄 것이라 믿으며 잠이 들었다. 축제의 별들을 소개하기 전에 먼저 살펴본 ADFEST -!
로터스(연꽃)라는 이름의 상을 수여하는 아시아 태평양 광고제는 올해로 10년을 맞는 아시아, 태평양 지역만의 특별한 광고제이다. 본 광고제는 크게 시상식과 수준 높은 세션으로 구분된다. 내 입장에서 볼 때 가장 아쉬웠던 점은 심사위원단의 이름들 속에서 단 한명의 한국인도 발견할 수 없었다는 점과 영어로만 진행되는 세션(일본광고인들에게는 통역기가 지급되었다)이었다. 물론 나의 부족한 외국어 실력에 문제가 있긴 하지만... 한국어 통역기가 없음을 다시 한 번 원망할 수밖에 없었다. 내년부터는 동시통역을 준비할 예정이라 하니 내년의 참가자들은 운이 좋다 할 수 있겠다.그리고 다시 한 번 의아스러운 점은 깐느나 끌리오에서도 만날 수 있는 한국인 심사위원을 만날 수 없었다는 점이다. 이미 눈치 챘으리라 생각되지만 대한민국의 수상작이 몹시 서운한 숫자로 나올 수밖에 없었던 이유일 것이리라! 팔이 안으로 밖에 굽을 수 없음을 다시 한 번 깨닫게 하는 대목이라 할 수 있겠다.
드디어 기다리셨던 축제의 별들을 소개합니다 -! 아시아태평양광고제는 총 10개 분야에서 수상작을 선정하는데, 필름과 인쇄는 감독 편집 등의 분야별 수상작을 별도로 발표한다. TV Lotus / Press Lotus /Outdoor Lotus /Radio Lotus /DM Lotus/ Cyber Lotus /Film Craft Lotus/ Print Craft Lotus/ 360 Lotus/ Innovation Lotus 이상의 10분야에서 가장 빛나는 별이 되었던 Winner들의 작품을 중심으로 간략한 소개를 하고자 한다.
TV Lotus 출품작들을 무작위로 보았을 때 단연 눈에 띄는 작품은 인도의 해피덴트 팰리스였다. 물론 작품성도 뛰어났지만 각 분야에 너무도 많이 출품을 했기에 눈길이 갈 수 밖에 없었던 작품이었다. 지금에 와서 생각해보니 자주 봐서 라기 보다는 너무도 Unique한 표현이었기에 기억에 깊이 남을 수밖에 없었던 것 같기도 하다. 그러나 아쉽게도(?) 많은 사람들의 예상을 깨고 토요타의 “휴먼터치”편이 올해의 가장 빛나는 별이 되었다.
길에 주차되어 있는 자신의 차에 다가가는 남자 그러나 차 안엔 이미 많은 사람들로 가득 차 있다. 아랑곳 하지 않고 운전석에 앉아있는 남자의 무릎 위에 앉는 남자, 그 다음엔 그 남자의 팔을 마치 안전 밸트인 양 태연스럽게 착용을 하고 운전을 시작한다. 아하! 이제는 모든 의문이 풀린다. 기계 이상의 세심한 배려가 담긴 인간적인 터치로 움직이는 자동차인 것이다. 그렇게 보면 “Human touch"라는 슬로건은 너무나도 당연한 결론, 심사위원들의 결정에 동의를 할 것인지 말 것인지는 당신의 자유다.
Film Craft Lotus 앞에서 언급했던 인도의 해피덴트가 Film Craft Lotus부문에서 수상을 했다. 아이디어의 출발에서부터 완성도까지 박수를 쳐줄 수밖에 없었던 작품이라 생각되었지만...글쎄 대한민국에서였더라면 이렇게 제작될 수 있었을까?라는 의문이 나의 머리를 잠시 어지럽힌다.
인도의 사막, 터번을 쓴 인도인이 자전거를 타고 가다 바퀴가 빠진다(앞쪽은 사족인 듯) 무엇인가 급한 일이 생각났다는 듯 자전거도 팽개치고 뛰어가는 인도인, 그 앞으로 헤드라이트가 사람처럼 생긴 자동차가 지나가며 그를 쳐다본다. 이상한 호텔 안으로 급히 들어간 모델, 호텔의 수영장, 로비 등에 요가를 하는 것처럼 이상한 체위를 한 사람들이 매달려있어 호기심을 유발한다. 이제 밖은 태양이 지고 어둠이 드리워지기 시작한다. 어두워진 호텔로비, 그 중간에 샹들리에가 보여 지고, 그런데 샹들리에엔 왜 사람들이 매달려 있을까? 인도는 요가로 유명한지라 요가중인가 라는 생각을 할 때 쯤 우리의 모델은 샹들리에에 잽싸게 매달린다. 도대체 뭐지? 라는 생각이 드는 순간, 입속에 뭔가를 넣고 씹는다. 마침내 그의 입을 활짝 여니...치아가 형광등 보다 반짝인다. 아하! 치아를 너무도 하얗게 만들어 어둠을 밝히는 빛으로 사용한 것이다. 기막힌 과장의 극치라는 생각이 들기도 하지만 그 Unique함에 두 손을 들게 만든다. 이후로 펼쳐지는 장면들은 요가를 하는 걸로 보여졌던 이들이 모두 일제히 입을 열어 그들의 치아로 찬란한 빛을 만들어 낸다. 물론 극 과장 광고라 공감이 가지 않는다 하는 이도 있을 수 있다. 그러한 생각도 당신의 자유다. 자신이 정한 별은 각자의 마음속에 있는 것이니...
Film 부문의 수상이 끝나갈 무렵 낯설지 않은 Visual과 Audio가 나의 눈길을 시상식 연단으로 이끌었다. TBWA 의 “캐논파워샷(사진이 달라진다)캠페인(그림4)”과“아디다스(Impossible is nothing 김남일 Vs 이호편)캠페인(그림5)이 아시아인의 마음을 사로잡은 것이다. 대한민국의 심사위원이 한 명도 끼어 있지 않은 이 번 광고제에서 수상의 영광을 안은 대한민국 광고인들에게 큰 박수를 쳐주고 싶다. 그러나 아쉬운 점은 수상의 기쁨을 전혀 예상 못해서였는지...수상자가 아무도 오지 않았다는 점이다.
Press Lotus/ Print Craft Lotus 다음은 아시아 태평양 광고제 기간 동안 나의 눈을 가장 괴롭게 또는 긴장하게 만들었던 분야들이다. 일단은 복도에 걸려있는 작품들의 숫자에 기가 질렸던 터라 여기서 어떻게 별들을 찾아낼까 걱정이 되기도 했었다. 물론 모두의 생각이 다 똑같은 것은 아니지만 군데군데 발길을 떨어지지 않게 하는 작품들이 있는 걸 보면 별은 숨기려 해도 그 빛이 숨겨지지 않나보다 라는 생각이 들게 했다. 우선 모두의 궁금증이 가장 큰 프린트 부분부터 반짝이는 별들을 소개하고자 한다.
Print Lotus Leo Burnett 방콕에서 출품한 “Clima Bicycle Lock ”을 광고한 작품이 가장 빛나는 별이 되었고 그 다음엔 “세이코”가 빛나는 자리를 차지하였다. 자전거 자물쇠 광고이다. 더 이상의 카피도 설명도 필요 없는 비주얼 아이디어다! 역시 말없이 모든 것을 한 방에 보여주는 광고가 모든 심사위원들의 눈을 사로잡은 것이다.특히 위의 광고는 하나의 광고가 아닌 캠페인광고로 출품되었다. 사진자료가 없어 보여드릴 수 없음이 안타까울 정도로 매력적인 광고이니 기회가 된다면 찾아보시길... 다음은 세이코광고다! 알람기능을 다소 과장되게 표현한 것인데...글세, 알람이라는 기능자체가 요즘 시대에 매력적으로 보일 수 있는 것인지 판단해 볼일이다. 이곳은 PT의 현장이 아닌 광고제의 현장이니 알람처럼 머리를 깨워주는 이 아이디어에 박수를 칠 수 밖에...
Print Craft Lotus이 부문에선 Best 수상작은 없었고 "Basic cut"이라는 슬로건으로 Wrangler등이 수상을 했다. “Wrangler”는 OUTDOOR분야에서 큰 별이 되었으니 뒤에 다시 언급하기로 하겠다.
Outdoor Lotus 이 분야에선 “Squat"이라는 타이틀로 앞에서도 언급한 “Wrangler”가 큰 별이 되었다. 원숭이를 닮은 남자 그리고 “basic cut" 이라는 슬로건, 무조건 폼나보여야 하는 패션광고의 틀을 깬 파격으로 보여 지는데... 당신의 눈엔 어떠하신지?
Young Lotus 작년 이맘때쯤 나를 자극했던 기사가 하나있었다. “열혈낭자, 낭군 개선기(凱旋記)-김하나CW/박지훈AD” 아시아태평양광고제에는 본선과는 별도의 경쟁부분이 있다고 한다. 바로 Young Lotus 라는 이름으로 상이 주어지는 부문인데 각 나라를 대표하는 30세 이하의 몹시(?) 젊은 광고인들이 주어진 한 가지 주제를 가지고 일종의 경쟁 프리젠테이션을 하는 것이라 한다. 작년에 바로 “Why cannes?” 라는 Head Line으로 대한민국의 광고인들이 별이 되었었다. 참석하고 싶어도 나이제한으로 이제는 젊은 광고인 축에 끼지 못하는 아쉬움을 뒤로하고 이번엔 어떤 젊은 친구들이 별이 될까 관심있게 지켜보았다. 올해는 그 참가 규모에서도 단연 돋보였던 일본친구들이 “파타야”를 주제로 한 프리젠테이션에서 빛나는 크리에이티브를 발휘했다! 이 이외에도 국내 광고제나 여타의 광고제에서 보지 못했던 360 Lotus 등이 이색적 있었다. 역시 달라지고 있는 매체환경이 광고제에도 적용된 것이리라.. 아직도 4대 매체에만 시선을 주고 있는 나에게 나름의 신선한 충격이었다.
그 외의 흥미로운 별을 모았습니다. 필자가 현재 맡고 있는 품목이 유제품이라 눈길이 갔던 우유광고 그리고 아이엄마이기에 공감할 수 있었던 아동복지협회광고 그리고 요즘처럼 긴 카피가 읽혀지기 힘든 시대에 내공 있는 카피로 승부한 호스피스협회광고 그 외에도 “어! 우리도 이 비슷한 썸네일이 있었는데...”라는 생각이 들게 하는 작품들까지 축제 내내 나의 머리와 가슴을 행복하게 만들어 준 작품들이 많았다!
행복했던 파타야의 “광고를 헤는 날”을 마치며. 광고 하나에 추억과 광고 하나에 사랑과 광고 하나에 쓸쓸함과 광고 하나에 동경(憧憬)과 광고 하나에 시와 광고 하나에 어머니, 어머니
윤동주님의 “별 헤는 밤”을 감히 인용해 봅니다.
처음 광고를 시작할 때 나에게 광고는 별 같은 존재였다. 그러나 시간이 흐를수록 하늘이 흐려진다는 이유로 밤이 짧다는 이유로 별의 소중함을 잊고 살았던 것 같다.오늘부터는 별이 쏟아지던 파타야의 축제를 기억하며, 다른 이들의 가슴 속에 평생 잊혀지지 않을 “반짝거릴 나의 별 만들기”를 다시 시작해야겠다.
The single gold Lotus Award was presented to
DDB Auckland wins Best of Direct Marketing Lotus Award at AP AdFest 2006 and three golds given for Interactive work.
Close to 1400 delegates are addressed by guest speaker Donald Gunn and Young Lotus finalists at 9th Asia Pacific Advertising Festival in Pattaya, Thailand.
The 9th Asia Pacific Advertising Festival (AP AdFest) burst into life today when almost 1400 delegates gathered at PEACH, the Royal Cliff Beach Resort in Pattaya Thailand - an increase in attendance of nearly thirty per cent compared to 2005.
At the AP AdFest Opening Ceremony held outside under a starry sky, awards were presented for the 2006 Lotus Awards for Direct Marketing and Interactive. Out of 227 direct marketing entries, sixteen awards were presented.
Nine bronze and five silver trophies were awarded, with one gold trophy completing the tally. Despite only one gold award, Tan Kien Eng, executive director and executive creative director of Arc Worldwide in Kuala Lumpur and chairman of the judging panel for direct marketing said that bronze and silver awards were won across a good spread of countries. The accolades went to agencies from Auckland, Bangkok, Beijing, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Melbourne, Petaling Jaya, Singapore and Sydney.
The single gold Lotus Award was presented to DDB Auckland for its work on the integrated campaign for NZgirl, entitled “Worst Boyfriend”. The work included ambient and interactive executions. The agency was also presented with ‘Best of Direct Marketing” Lotus Award for 2006.
When asked about general developments in the category direct marketing this year, Tan Kien Eng said, “There were two trends that the judging panel noticed overall for the category. Firstly, the ideas were a lot simpler than you expect normally with traditional direct marketing and secondly, the core creative ideas were stronger.”
There was no Best of Show awarded for the interactive category, but the judging panel selected seventeen bronze, fifteen silver and three gold Lotus Awards from 235 entries. Dentsu Inc. Tokyo won two golds and the third was won by Bascule Inc. Tokyo. Agencies winning metal awards came from Bangkok, Beijing, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Mumbai, Tokyo, Singapore and Sydney.
Dirk Eschenbacher, regional creative director for OgilvyInteractive Asia Pacific, based in Beijing was chairman of the interactive judging panel. He concluded,”the number of entries for AP AdFest’s youngest advertising category is growing fast and has doubled this year compared to 2005, which is encouraging. The standard of work was excellent overall for interactive entries, but the judging panel did not think that any one entry merited ‘Best of Show’”.
The trends in Interactive were the emergence of brand community websites which encouraged consumers to share ideas as well as receive information. There were also many websites taking advantage of the growth in broadband, which allowed video footage and entertainment to be incorporated into digital creative work. Many of these executions used humour to communicate their messages.
AP AdFest’s first guest speaker session for 2006 was given by Donald Gunn and Emma Wilkie of The Gunn Report, first published in 1999. The Gunn Report determines where the bar was set for creative standards in the preceding year. AP AdFest is the first major show in the world circuit of advertising contests and so sets the scene for the year to come. It is an accurate indicator of great advertising as many of its previous winners have been successful at other major international awards.
The most awarded print advertising in the world in 2005 was the campaign for Tamiya, developed by Creative Juice/G1 Bangkok, which also won Best of Print at AP AdFest in 2005.
Bangkok also topped the ranking for ‘Most Awarded Production Company in the World’ as Phenomena Bangkok was ranked first in 2005, as was Thanonchai Sornsrivichai as 2005’s ‘Most Awarded Director’ in The Gunn Report. Both the production company and director featured strongly in last year’s AP AdFest’s Lotus Awards for Film and Film Craft.
In 2005, The Gunn Report ranked 2 Asian countries in the top 10 Awarded Countries. Thailand was ranked fifth (up from seventh) and Japan was ninth (up from eleventh).
Twenty-eight participants from fourteen cities completed their assignment at AP AdFest’s Young Creative Workshop this year. The winners were Hana Kim from TBWA Seoul and Park Ji Hoon from Welcomm Publicis Seoul, announced by the workshop’s moderator, Tay Guan Hin, executive creative director of JWT Singapore at AP AdFest’s opening ceremony on 9 March 2006.
The workshop brief was to find an idea to promote AP AdFest in 2007.
Tay Guan Hin explained, “The winning work was selected because it had a fantastic strategy and used great insights to focus on the fact that AP AdFest understands Asian creativity better than any other show. It was a headline-driven idea – the first time a copy ad has won in the three years that Young Lotus Workshop has been organised”.
Tay thought the thinking that went into the work from the Young Lotus finalists was excellent and excelled in developing an ownable strategy that strengthened brand benefits. Other finalists included teams from Jakarta and Malaysia.
AP AdFest 2006 is the largest ever. 4,738 creative works have been submitted from over four hundred agencies in thirty-four cities around the region - a seventeen per cent increase on the number of entries entered in 2005.
Close to 1400 delegates are addressed by guest speaker Donald Gunn and Young Lotus finalists at 9th Asia Pacific Advertising Festival in Pattaya, Thailand.
The 9th Asia Pacific Advertising Festival (AP AdFest) burst into life today when almost 1400 delegates gathered at PEACH, the Royal Cliff Beach Resort in Pattaya Thailand - an increase in attendance of nearly thirty per cent compared to 2005.
At the AP AdFest Opening Ceremony held outside under a starry sky, awards were presented for the 2006 Lotus Awards for Direct Marketing and Interactive. Out of 227 direct marketing entries, sixteen awards were presented.
Nine bronze and five silver trophies were awarded, with one gold trophy completing the tally. Despite only one gold award, Tan Kien Eng, executive director and executive creative director of Arc Worldwide in Kuala Lumpur and chairman of the judging panel for direct marketing said that bronze and silver awards were won across a good spread of countries. The accolades went to agencies from Auckland, Bangkok, Beijing, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Melbourne, Petaling Jaya, Singapore and Sydney.
The single gold Lotus Award was presented to DDB Auckland for its work on the integrated campaign for NZgirl, entitled “Worst Boyfriend”. The work included ambient and interactive executions. The agency was also presented with ‘Best of Direct Marketing” Lotus Award for 2006.
When asked about general developments in the category direct marketing this year, Tan Kien Eng said, “There were two trends that the judging panel noticed overall for the category. Firstly, the ideas were a lot simpler than you expect normally with traditional direct marketing and secondly, the core creative ideas were stronger.”
There was no Best of Show awarded for the interactive category, but the judging panel selected seventeen bronze, fifteen silver and three gold Lotus Awards from 235 entries. Dentsu Inc. Tokyo won two golds and the third was won by Bascule Inc. Tokyo. Agencies winning metal awards came from Bangkok, Beijing, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Mumbai, Tokyo, Singapore and Sydney.
Dirk Eschenbacher, regional creative director for OgilvyInteractive Asia Pacific, based in Beijing was chairman of the interactive judging panel. He concluded,”the number of entries for AP AdFest’s youngest advertising category is growing fast and has doubled this year compared to 2005, which is encouraging. The standard of work was excellent overall for interactive entries, but the judging panel did not think that any one entry merited ‘Best of Show’”.
The trends in Interactive were the emergence of brand community websites which encouraged consumers to share ideas as well as receive information. There were also many websites taking advantage of the growth in broadband, which allowed video footage and entertainment to be incorporated into digital creative work. Many of these executions used humour to communicate their messages.
AP AdFest’s first guest speaker session for 2006 was given by Donald Gunn and Emma Wilkie of The Gunn Report, first published in 1999. The Gunn Report determines where the bar was set for creative standards in the preceding year. AP AdFest is the first major show in the world circuit of advertising contests and so sets the scene for the year to come. It is an accurate indicator of great advertising as many of its previous winners have been successful at other major international awards.
The most awarded print advertising in the world in 2005 was the campaign for Tamiya, developed by Creative Juice/G1 Bangkok, which also won Best of Print at AP AdFest in 2005.
Bangkok also topped the ranking for ‘Most Awarded Production Company in the World’ as Phenomena Bangkok was ranked first in 2005, as was Thanonchai Sornsrivichai as 2005’s ‘Most Awarded Director’ in The Gunn Report. Both the production company and director featured strongly in last year’s AP AdFest’s Lotus Awards for Film and Film Craft.
In 2005, The Gunn Report ranked 2 Asian countries in the top 10 Awarded Countries. Thailand was ranked fifth (up from seventh) and Japan was ninth (up from eleventh).
Twenty-eight participants from fourteen cities completed their assignment at AP AdFest’s Young Creative Workshop this year. The winners were Hana Kim from TBWA Seoul and Park Ji Hoon from Welcomm Publicis Seoul, announced by the workshop’s moderator, Tay Guan Hin, executive creative director of JWT Singapore at AP AdFest’s opening ceremony on 9 March 2006.
The workshop brief was to find an idea to promote AP AdFest in 2007.
Tay Guan Hin explained, “The winning work was selected because it had a fantastic strategy and used great insights to focus on the fact that AP AdFest understands Asian creativity better than any other show. It was a headline-driven idea – the first time a copy ad has won in the three years that Young Lotus Workshop has been organised”.
Tay thought the thinking that went into the work from the Young Lotus finalists was excellent and excelled in developing an ownable strategy that strengthened brand benefits. Other finalists included teams from Jakarta and Malaysia.
AP AdFest 2006 is the largest ever. 4,738 creative works have been submitted from over four hundred agencies in thirty-four cities around the region - a seventeen per cent increase on the number of entries entered in 2005.
Out of a total of 895 film entries
Planet Japan sweeps up on AdFest’s final night. Tokyo agencies win Best of Category Lotus Awards
Best Direction goes to TV commercial from McCann-Erickson Mumbai.
Agencies from Tokyo walked away with Best of Category for Film, Radio, Cyber and Contagious Innovation Lotus Awards at the gala dinner for AdFest 2007, held at PEACH, Royal Cliff Beach Resort in Pattaya, Thailand.
Film Lotus
Out of a total of 895 film entries which was slightly down on last year, the festival gave out twenty-nine bronze, fifteen silver and three gold TV awards this year. Winning agencies were from Bangkok, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Mumbai, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo.
John Hunt, worldwide creative director of TBWA Johannesburg was chairman of the Film judging panel. He commented, “Asia Pacific is the place to be both economically and intellectually and this is reflected in the quality of the work that the TV judging panel saw. The trend for the category overall is upwards, although the top two to three percent have stayed static, which is why there were fewer gold awards given.”
The three gold awards were won by McCann-Erickson Mumbai for Happy Dent Teeth Whitening Gum, Hakuhodo Tokyo for Toyota Cars and DDB Sydney for Napcan. Hakuhodo Tokyo also climbed the stage to receive the highest accolade for Best of Film.
Happy Dent Teeth Whitening Gum
Hakuhodo Tokyo for Toyota Cars
Film Craft Lotus
Film Craft awards were presented at the gala dinner. Out of the 200 entries received, there were six ‘best of category’ awards won on the night.Awards were shared between Auckland, Mumbai, Sydney and Tokyo.
McCann-Erickson Mumbai picked up Best Directing and Best Production Design for its work on Happy Dent Teeth Whitening Gum.
Best Editing was awarded to Taiyokikaku Tokyo for its work for Walkman. Two awards made their way to Sydney. @radical Media won Best Special Effects for Toyota Prado and Publicis Mojo Sydney scooped Best Use of Music for its work on Tourism Victoria: Melbourne.
Taiyokikaku Tokyo for Walkman
Finally, the Sweet Shop Auckland accepted the award for ‘Best Cinematography’ for Short Black.
There were no awards given out for Best Original Music, Best Sound Design or Best Animation.
Nelson Ng, managing director and editor of Touches in Hong Kong was chairman of judges for the Film Craft panel. This is the third year for Film Craft Lotus Awards at AdFest and the number of entries have grown every year.
Radio Lotus
Best of Radio and Gold was awarded to ADK Tokyo for its commercial for Jino Forestino.
Tony Hertz, owner of Tony Hertz: Radio and Other Clever Advertising and chairman of the radio judging panel said, “For Best of Show, we were looking for a radio commercial that painted a visual picture for the listener as well as being a good idea that was exceptionally well executed.”
As a new category for Lotus Awards, there were 133 entries. Twelve Radio Lotus Awards were presented, including four bronze, five silver and two gold awards, plus Best of Radio. The second gold award was won by Mudra Communications New Delhi for ‘Rape Campaign’, on behalf of Big 92.7FM. Winning agencies were from Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Mumbai, New Delhi and Tokyo.
Cyber Lotus
GT Inc Tokyo won Best of Cyber for its work for XBox 360. The award was one of four golds given for Cyber entries. The other three golds were picked up by Dentsu Incc. Kansai Osaka for Smoking Manner, ADK Tokyo for Pepsi Nex and Hakuhodo/Hakuhodo DY Media Partners for ‘amotesando akarium’.
Benjamin Palmer, chief executive officer and chief creative officer for The Barbarian Group, Boston was chairman of the cyber judging panel.
In addition to the four gold and Best of Cyber awards, the judging panel selected nine bronze and six silver Lotus Awards from 304 outdoor entries. The winning agencies were from Beijing, Nagoya, New Delhi, Osaka, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo.
360 Lotus & Contagious Lotus for Innovation
The two final categories of 360 Lotus and Contagious Lotus for Innovation were newly introduced to AdFest this year. Both judging panels were chaired by David Droga, creative chairman of droga5, New York. He believes 360, which covers integrated campaigns should be the most important category of AdFest as he explained, “This category is where clients are spending most of their marketing budgets these days.”
On judging, he said, “For Best of 360, the judges were looking for a core solid idea that was improved by each medium or channel that was used for the campaign.”
For this year, no piece of work met the criteria strongly enough so there was no award given for Best of 360. However, there were three awards given out of the 44 entries received. Weiden & Kennedy Shanghai won bronze for Nike China, Hakuhodo Inc. Tokyo won silver for Oxyride Battery and Dentsu Inc Tokyo won a gold award for its work on Napster.
In its first year, there were 49 entries for Contagious Lotus for Innovation Awards. There were three nominations for Best of Show, which was awarded to Hakuhodo Bangkok for Oxyride Batteries. Explained David Droga, “The Oxyride Manned Airplane Project was the ultimate product test and created its own momentum”.
Contagious Lotus for Innovation is sponsored by Contagious, the global intelligence resource. The category has been introduced in response to the changing media environment. It champions the pioneering spirit and celebrates breakthrough thinking from the inventive and innovative minds of Asian creativity.
Jimmy Lam, President of the AdFest Working Committee says, “Over the last couple of years at AdFest, it has become increasingly obvious that good ideas are springing up in unconventional as well as traditional media. While there is every merit in judging a piece of work in its ambient media orinteractive category, creativity knows no boundaries and we felt it was time that this was acknowledged independently”.
The agency with the highest tally of Lotus Awards was Ogilvy & Mather Singapore, with thirteen awards. BBDO Bangkok was placed second with eight awards. Ogilvy & Mather Bangkok was the third most awarded agency with seven Lotus Awards to take home.
All in all over the three-day event, 182 awards were given out across eight advertising categories (excluding Film Craft and Print Craft), in response to 5,012 entries from over five hundred agencies in forty-eight cities around the region this year.
Bangkok was the most awarded city with a total of fifty awards, while Singapore came second with thirty-eight awards. Mumbai was the third most awarded city with twenty-four awards.
While the Lotus Awards aim to reward and recognize outstanding creativity, AdFest itself is equally a forum of learning and exposure for the creative industry in Asia Pacific. 1600 delegates attended, from junior creatives to regional creative directors, production houses, agency management and advertisers.
Best Direction goes to TV commercial from McCann-Erickson Mumbai.
Agencies from Tokyo walked away with Best of Category for Film, Radio, Cyber and Contagious Innovation Lotus Awards at the gala dinner for AdFest 2007, held at PEACH, Royal Cliff Beach Resort in Pattaya, Thailand.
Film Lotus
Out of a total of 895 film entries which was slightly down on last year, the festival gave out twenty-nine bronze, fifteen silver and three gold TV awards this year. Winning agencies were from Bangkok, Hong Kong, Melbourne, Mumbai, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo.
John Hunt, worldwide creative director of TBWA Johannesburg was chairman of the Film judging panel. He commented, “Asia Pacific is the place to be both economically and intellectually and this is reflected in the quality of the work that the TV judging panel saw. The trend for the category overall is upwards, although the top two to three percent have stayed static, which is why there were fewer gold awards given.”
The three gold awards were won by McCann-Erickson Mumbai for Happy Dent Teeth Whitening Gum, Hakuhodo Tokyo for Toyota Cars and DDB Sydney for Napcan. Hakuhodo Tokyo also climbed the stage to receive the highest accolade for Best of Film.
Happy Dent Teeth Whitening Gum
Hakuhodo Tokyo for Toyota Cars
Film Craft Lotus
Film Craft awards were presented at the gala dinner. Out of the 200 entries received, there were six ‘best of category’ awards won on the night.Awards were shared between Auckland, Mumbai, Sydney and Tokyo.
McCann-Erickson Mumbai picked up Best Directing and Best Production Design for its work on Happy Dent Teeth Whitening Gum.
Best Editing was awarded to Taiyokikaku Tokyo for its work for Walkman. Two awards made their way to Sydney. @radical Media won Best Special Effects for Toyota Prado and Publicis Mojo Sydney scooped Best Use of Music for its work on Tourism Victoria: Melbourne.
Taiyokikaku Tokyo for Walkman
Finally, the Sweet Shop Auckland accepted the award for ‘Best Cinematography’ for Short Black.
There were no awards given out for Best Original Music, Best Sound Design or Best Animation.
Nelson Ng, managing director and editor of Touches in Hong Kong was chairman of judges for the Film Craft panel. This is the third year for Film Craft Lotus Awards at AdFest and the number of entries have grown every year.
Radio Lotus
Best of Radio and Gold was awarded to ADK Tokyo for its commercial for Jino Forestino.
Tony Hertz, owner of Tony Hertz: Radio and Other Clever Advertising and chairman of the radio judging panel said, “For Best of Show, we were looking for a radio commercial that painted a visual picture for the listener as well as being a good idea that was exceptionally well executed.”
As a new category for Lotus Awards, there were 133 entries. Twelve Radio Lotus Awards were presented, including four bronze, five silver and two gold awards, plus Best of Radio. The second gold award was won by Mudra Communications New Delhi for ‘Rape Campaign’, on behalf of Big 92.7FM. Winning agencies were from Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Mumbai, New Delhi and Tokyo.
Cyber Lotus
GT Inc Tokyo won Best of Cyber for its work for XBox 360. The award was one of four golds given for Cyber entries. The other three golds were picked up by Dentsu Incc. Kansai Osaka for Smoking Manner, ADK Tokyo for Pepsi Nex and Hakuhodo/Hakuhodo DY Media Partners for ‘amotesando akarium’.
Benjamin Palmer, chief executive officer and chief creative officer for The Barbarian Group, Boston was chairman of the cyber judging panel.
In addition to the four gold and Best of Cyber awards, the judging panel selected nine bronze and six silver Lotus Awards from 304 outdoor entries. The winning agencies were from Beijing, Nagoya, New Delhi, Osaka, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo.
360 Lotus & Contagious Lotus for Innovation
The two final categories of 360 Lotus and Contagious Lotus for Innovation were newly introduced to AdFest this year. Both judging panels were chaired by David Droga, creative chairman of droga5, New York. He believes 360, which covers integrated campaigns should be the most important category of AdFest as he explained, “This category is where clients are spending most of their marketing budgets these days.”
On judging, he said, “For Best of 360, the judges were looking for a core solid idea that was improved by each medium or channel that was used for the campaign.”
For this year, no piece of work met the criteria strongly enough so there was no award given for Best of 360. However, there were three awards given out of the 44 entries received. Weiden & Kennedy Shanghai won bronze for Nike China, Hakuhodo Inc. Tokyo won silver for Oxyride Battery and Dentsu Inc Tokyo won a gold award for its work on Napster.
In its first year, there were 49 entries for Contagious Lotus for Innovation Awards. There were three nominations for Best of Show, which was awarded to Hakuhodo Bangkok for Oxyride Batteries. Explained David Droga, “The Oxyride Manned Airplane Project was the ultimate product test and created its own momentum”.
Contagious Lotus for Innovation is sponsored by Contagious, the global intelligence resource. The category has been introduced in response to the changing media environment. It champions the pioneering spirit and celebrates breakthrough thinking from the inventive and innovative minds of Asian creativity.
Jimmy Lam, President of the AdFest Working Committee says, “Over the last couple of years at AdFest, it has become increasingly obvious that good ideas are springing up in unconventional as well as traditional media. While there is every merit in judging a piece of work in its ambient media orinteractive category, creativity knows no boundaries and we felt it was time that this was acknowledged independently”.
The agency with the highest tally of Lotus Awards was Ogilvy & Mather Singapore, with thirteen awards. BBDO Bangkok was placed second with eight awards. Ogilvy & Mather Bangkok was the third most awarded agency with seven Lotus Awards to take home.
All in all over the three-day event, 182 awards were given out across eight advertising categories (excluding Film Craft and Print Craft), in response to 5,012 entries from over five hundred agencies in forty-eight cities around the region this year.
Bangkok was the most awarded city with a total of fifty awards, while Singapore came second with thirty-eight awards. Mumbai was the third most awarded city with twenty-four awards.
While the Lotus Awards aim to reward and recognize outstanding creativity, AdFest itself is equally a forum of learning and exposure for the creative industry in Asia Pacific. 1600 delegates attended, from junior creatives to regional creative directors, production houses, agency management and advertisers.
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